A Soul Tattoo® ceremony is a transformational initiation into your soul’s light, truth, medicine, and divine expression.

Soul Tattoos carry the energetic signatures of your soul, channeled by your soul to support, attune, activate, and guide you to your highest evolution. This unique form of ceremonial tattooing calls tattooing back to its magical, ancient, universal origins—thousands and thousands of years before the tattoo machine and the modernized tattoo industry—when tattoos were light activations and soul retrieval, spiritual amulets, spells, protection, priestess initiations, a map of the soul’s evolutionary journey, and badges of honor woven in light into the quantum field and sacred body form.

  • "Ashley holds immaculate, solid space for a true unraveling self-return to take place. Ashley is a true light as well as a shadow walker. Her grace and strength, her searing clarity and her absolute dedication to walking the path of the soul will enable you to find those qualities in yourself, under her gentle yet uncompromising guidance. She is the embodiment of the healing ways and the feminine remembering that we so need right now."


  • “Ashley River and her work will have my gratitude forever. This has been an incredible and life-changing experience I wish for everyone to experience.”


  • “Getting a Soul Tattoo was a turning point in my life.”


  • “I received a Soul Tattoo and it was instantly added to the internal list of moments that changed my life. I’ve felt empowered and inspired by its medicine […].”


  • “You are truly a gift to this world and I am so blessed and honored to have been able to receive your healing work. I know I have to do the actual work after receiving your medicine, but you truly make it a pleasure. I have always felt so safe and protected on my journey and I know the love notes on my body from you are very much a part of that. Thank you for being an angel and light in this world. No words can ever amount to the love I have for you!”


  • “This tattoo emulates everything that has been and will be, based on the learning and growing I’ve done in this life, and past lives, as that knowledge guides my wispy spirit to the future. This connects me to the cosmos, my divine truth; reminding me that everyone is a guide, a mirror. This is also a reminder of strength and inner wisdom. Ashley gave me brilliant ideas and messages of how I can tap into growth as my wild feminine incarnate and to cultivate the balance of taking care of oneself too. Endlessly gratuitous Ashley!”


  • “What you gave me was life-changing in more than one way. Thank you. I am so grateful and honored to have had that experience with you. You are a truly special person. Thank you for helping to open portals for me, and for opening my heart. Thank you for the trust and for helping me surrender in such a peaceful way. Everything you said to me resonates so deep. I’m going forward now letting my heart guide my hands.”


  • “Ashley is a brilliant and gifted artist and healer. Ash’s work has changed my life and activated expressions of self that I have long been fearful to share. I am beyond grateful to her.”


  • “My soul tattoo is facilitating and supporting my growth into my higher self. I even feel its energetic imprint rising sometimes. I can’t identify why, but it’s like a caress, hand hold.”


  • “I wanted to let you know how greatly my life has improved in the past year since our tattoo session. You helped me realize so many things I was trying to ignore—and now I have eliminated them from my life, and I can say I have never been happier. I wake up everyday and am living my dream life. My business has improved, my relationships are stronger, and I have become more of “myself” every day. I am so grateful for our time together, and I love having my Soul Tattoo as a reminder forever.”


  • “I’m so grateful for the healing energy that’s come into my life since our session. I’m profoundly grateful for the metamorphosis that I’ve experienced. I feel empowered and proud of my human and feminine existence. Thank you for helping me on my path. I truly feel like the time and place that I was able to accept your healing will be forever engraved in my life spiritually beyond the beautiful marking on my arm.”


  • “I can’t thank you enough for the magical experience you provided for me. I am so grateful for the portal tattoo and your healing energy and intuition. I already feel the pull to create change and be seen more than ever. Your gentle medicine is a gift to the world.”


  • “My Soul Tattoo and our time activated such immense unexpected feminine magic for me. A legit total awakening.”


  • “Thank you for the work that we did together. I feel so much gratitude and awe because it has shifted a lot for me. It had empowered me to take a lot of steps towards supporting and nourishing my feminine and it’s still unfolding in my life. It doesn’t all feel easy and there has been a lot of tears of grief and still some resistance but I feel more committed than ever to keep supporting her.”


  • "What a beautiful energy to be around: Ash is gentle and also sure, she is genuine but also open. It is so inspiration to sit with someone who has invented a way of working, the Soul Tattoo, that allows multiple dimensions of her gifts to be active in her work. What an honor and a privilege for me!”


  • “Your session and the year that has followed has been the best medicine I have received. Your medicine and messages could not have been more spot on. I have major life shifts happening and I have you to thank.”


  • “Ashley’s energy is simultaneously calm and powerful. She’s spritely but easy-going. Being with her felt like floating on water. I left a new woman. My experience with Ashley pushed my boundaries. I choose to believe that maybe there is such a thing as magic. Most importantly I made a choice to trust in something beyond myself and let go of the rest. ”


  • “I want you to know how much I loved my experience with you and how much I love my soul tattoos. You don’t need me to tell you this, but you really do have this gift that sees right into the heart of things and lives in its truth. So THANK YOU for helping me to start finding certain truths in my life and giving me the armor and balance and and protection and support that I was searching for.”


  • “My Soul Tattoo has helped emancipate and support me, providing calming stillness of my inner waves, the purging of past habits, a freeing liberation of letting go, the abolition of self-worth based on any standards but my own, and the acknowledgment and embracing my power as a propeller to my most authentic being. Through my session I gained strength and courage to sit within grace and let go of the shadows darkening my existence, awakening to my truth and the power my voice possesses. I was guided to such awareness by my Soul Tattoo.”


  • “I would just like to extend my gratitude for all the words and wisdom you shared during our session and beyond. You truly have a gift, Ash, and your guidance is something I will be forever grateful for”


  • “I absolutely Love my Soul Tattoo. It is a constant reminder to use my voice, let go of what is no longer, embrace change and to look at myself through my own eyes. The most magical and empowering experience I have had in a long time. Ash you are the essence of Nature-Spirit connection.”


Soul Tattoos are sacred talismans that carry the signature of your soul’s wisdom and light. 

Each dot, line, mark, and symbol contains intentional alchemy channeled by the wisest, most infinite, loving, and powerful part of you, activating deep healing and transformation, placed on the physical body in accordance with the meridians, organs, and energy centers within the body to align the design to the placement on the body that can best support your evolution. It is through the deeply illuminating and transformative process of intention/desire casting, past-life/soul regression journeying through the history of you, the channeling of your soul and sacred symbols and messages, plant alchemy, and ceremonial magic that we can harness the true nature of this mysterious, ancient, sacred healing art, and use it to heal and quantum leap into deeper alignment with your soul’s true expression and destiny path.

These hand-woven markings act as portals of becoming, symbols of empowerment, initiatory experiences, and medicine that goes much, much deeper than the art you see on the surface. In fact, activating a soul tattoo imprints your soul with a specific evolutionary healing that will be carried with you after you leave your present body form.

Though a Soul Tattoo is a highly therapeutic, intentional healing experience of receiving a tattoo that is unique to each person, it is also deep evolutionary soul work that asks you to rise to alignment with who you truly are.


Soul Tattoo ceremonies are a three-part evolutionary healing experience.

  • In your first seesion we will talk through your past, your present, and your future visions, before embarking on a deep soul regression. During this 4-hour hypnosis journey, we will explore 1-2 past lives that carry information and memories to unlock more of your soul’s potential. We will then conduct an interview directing channelling your soul to ask questions and tune into the unique coding, symbols, wisdom, and energies ready to be imprinted onto your body in the form of a Soul Tattoo. We will prepare the body to receive your sacred marking, directing the soul to heal any stagnant energies, and blocks, as well as direct us to and prepare the part of the body in which the marking is destined to be placed.

  • From what is received and visioned through the Soul Regression, Ashley will then design your tattoo in ceremony, preparing the image and medicines that will weave into your sacred marking ceremony.

  • We will then gather in person for our Soul Tattoo Ceremony, where you will be marked and initiated with your unique tattoo medicine. Each Soul Tattoo ceremony includes a combination of plant medicine, breath work, and rituals, depending on the unique energies coming through for each client. The soul guides us to the medicines, tools, and plants that are needed for the ceremony from Ashley’s medicine bag.

  • Two to three weeks after your tattoo initiation, we will have an integration call to further support you in embodying the medicine and changes moving through as you step into a fuller expression of your soul.

Mini Soul Tattoo ceremonies are abbreviated 2-hour initiatory marking ceremonies. These ceremonies begin with deep witnessing/expressing and an intuitive plant meditation before weaving together your initiatory marking and aligning it with the appropriate body placement received through body divination. These sacred, mysterious symbols are channeled as a collaboration through heart-sharing, divine witnessing/channeling, and meditation These small but potent markings are 2-3 inches total and woven by hand. Sessions are sealed with a film portrait with your new marking.


Not ready for a full 2-day Soul Tattoo Ceremony immersion? Book a mini Soul Tattoo Ceremony

Group ceremonies are offered (typically for 2-6 participants) to bless and initiate a couple or small group on their evolutionary path. Come with a specific intention, a special moment of time to mark, or something you wish to heal through in union with others. Share your intentions with Ashley, and she will arrange a unique and sacred ceremony for you. These are beautiful for a group of soul sisters devoted to a shared path, beloved partners to deepen in Divine Union, mothers/daughters (18 or older) to heal through the mother line, or siblings.

These ceremonies include a ritual practice, journey, plant connection, and a small hand-woven marking for each person (2-3 inches)


Book a private group soul tattoo ceremony for you and your beloved, family, or soul sisters.

  • Clients are accepted through Ashley's Soul Coronation mentorship and the application above. Referrals, past clients, and immersion clients receive priority. Once an inquiry has been made, you will be followed up with available dates and further details to book your ceremony. A deposit is required to book any ceremony. If you are wanting to book in a different location or for a future date not listed on the application, please sign up for the newsletter for future residency announcements.

  • Yes, payment plans are offered through Afterpay, Klarna, Paypal or Stripe invoicing. Please inquire to set up payment plans at booking.

  • Soul Tattoo Ceremony Immersions:

    Immersions in the US are a flat fee of $3,000 ($2,200 for returning clients) for two days of private ceremonial work, a mini portrait session with your new marking, plus your follow-up integration call (or integration tea sit if you are local) A $800 deposit is due upon booking to hold your spot, and the rest may be paid in full by your ceremony date.

    Immersions in Australia and New Zealand are a flat fee of $2,600 Australian Dollars and can be paid through wire transfer or Paypal only.

    Mini Soul Tattoo Ceremonies:

    Mini Ceremonies are $900 for 2.5 hours of ceremony plus 1-3 edited film portraits to be delivered within three weeks of your ceremony. A $300 deposit is required to book, and the rest may be paid on the day of your ceremony.

    Mini Ceremonies for Aus/NZ are $800 AUD. A $200 AUD deposit is required at booking.

    Group Ceremonies:

    Group ceremonies are $550-750 USD per person in the states, and $400-600 AUD per person, depending on the number of participants and location. The full fee is required upon booking.

  • Yes! The best way to keep up with residency locations is to sign up for the newsletter in the footer or check the application form for location options.

    Ashley's will be based primarily between New Zealand and Australia in 2025.

    If you have a space and would like to invite Ashley to offer Soul Tattoo ceremony in another location, reach out!

  • This is deep feminine medicine work, not just a spiritual tattoo. The tattoo itself is a symbol of our journey, an anchoring of the medicine of your soul, a bridge for you to access your light. You are the true medicine. The effects will reflect the clarity of your intentions, desires, openness, willingness, and trust in the mystery. Your intention and what you come in with steers the ship of our container. These multi-day healing retreat-like ceremonies serve as a catalyst for one’s transformation, an initiation into an expanded expression of Self, guiding each person to move further in alignment with their creative power, divinity, voice, purpose, and heart’s ancient wisdom. Together, we are building a bridge for you to stream through more of your divine artistry, soul wisdom, and gifts. By bringing a high-frequency, soul-led, and channeled art piece with powerful intention woven with the codes of your light onto the skin, we are opening a portal for embodied evolution through the piercing of the skin and, thus, the piercing of the veil. Anything of lower resonance held within the body and energy body will begin to release to align with the frequency of the Soul Tattoo (your soul’s signature). These may be outdated beliefs, familiar patterns, mental limitations, energetic blocks, trauma, stagnant emotions, karmic loops, past life stories, ancestral stories, or any other limitations carried in your body and field. Anything holding you back from embodying and expressing your soul’s song. Soul Tattoos can help strengthen one’s soul gifts, draw out prolific divine artistry, activate one into their true medicine and purpose, dissolve creative blocks that stand in the way of your expanded expression, inspire a bolder, more creative, heart-centered and expressed life, call out one’s truth and higher vision, reclaim one’s power, voice, and desires, and integrate one’s soul light into embodied form. Mini soul tattoo ceremonies are a lighter and more easily integrated version of the immersion sessions and offer initiation into priestesshood, alignment with the soul's voice, and opening of your channels, or a divine tune-up.

  • The name and modality of “Soul Tattoo” was channelled by Ashley after a whisper and a flash of memory were awakened until a full Taurus Moon. Past life memories were dripped out one by one where she received the formula and ancient knowing of this medicine work. Since then, she has guided thousands around the world into the ancient alchemy of ceremonial tattooing (as students of this work and receivers), as well as trains apprentices in specifically learning her unique Soul Tattoo modality. Within Ashley’s tattooing practice, she honors the traditional lineages and custodians of tattooing and its sacred and cosmic origins all over this world and beyond. She pays her respects to all ancient tattooing practices, past, present, and future, for anchoring down this modality as a tool for collective healing and empowerment. Tattooing is an ancient healing art form woven through all cultures of humanity since we came to this planet. Early in Ashley's career from her work with the little people, she understood this world to be brought to humanity by the little people of the Earth and her connection to different villages of little people (fae, Kontomblé, elves, etc) informed the way that she practices and continues to teach and guide her as she grows on her soul's journey. The way Ashley practices this art form is connected to her own blood lineages (primarily of Celtic ancestry, from the Pict tribes aka "the painted people") as well her soul lineages (Lyra, the Little People, Ancient lineages remembered, and Plantcestors), in dedication to the Earth, the stars, and the weavers of creation. If you are curious to learn more about the origins of tattooing as an ancient healing modality, please check out Ashley’s workshops and trainings on Sacred tattooing, which go deeper into the history of tattooing as a feminine art form and the many lineages that have birthed this work into form across space and many timelines.

  • Due to the amount of preparation, time, depth, and energy that goes into each ceremony, the following policies are in place.

    Each appointment requires a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit upon booking to hold your spot on Ashley’s books. This deposit is an energetic commitment and devotion to your intentions for your ceremony. Your journey begins the moment you fill out your application with the intention to book and deepens the moment you commit to a date and send in your deposit. Much resistance can come up during this time as the fear of your expansion/change activates, and this commitment keeps you devoted to your intentions for reaching out in the first place. The rest of the payment is due prior to your tattoo ceremony unless a different agreement has been made. Ashley currently only holds space for 2-4 immersion clients, and 2-4 mini ceremony clients a month, so she can be fully present and show up fully for the depth of this work. You may have one rescheduling with your deposit held as long as your appointment is for a rescheduled date within 60 days of your original date and is rescheduled at least a week in advance of your original date. Please note that due to Ashley's travel, she is not always able to reschedule for a later date.

    For mini-ceremonies, group ceremonies, and residencies, any rescheduled appointments need to be made within 30 days of the original date and at least a week in advance. Residencies will incur a $150 USD cancellation fee if less than 48 hours notice is given and will most likely not be able to be rescheduled.

  • I use organic, non-toxic, vegan, heavy-metal free BLACK ink only to ensure the safest, purest, minimal ingredient ink that is safe for the body and the earth as black is the purest tattoo ink available. I do not tattoo in color, grey-wash, etc. As I tattoo by hand, black ink also looks the best for this style and technique of tattooing.

  • These markings are channeled by the soul of the client through deep soul regression hypnosis. Together we decode the language of light as it streams through and anchor it into a design to be woven onto skin. This process is a collaboration between your superconscious/higher self, creation, and myself. It is best to let go of control and completely surrender to the magic, expanse, mystery, and potential of this process, but do know that the design is created as a beautiful collaboration, and we often will go back and forth a couple of times to make sure it feels perfect before your ceremony day. Trusting the mystery is a part of the initiatory process, and in 10 years of offering this work, 99.9% of clients feel like their marking came out from within them rather than was placed upon them. This is the magic and nature of this anciently feminine work.

Apprentice With Ashley

Certified Soul Tattoo Apprenticeship


Ashley’s Soul Tattoo® certification apprenticeship program is a bespoke initiatory journey of anchoring your own medicine as a ceremonial Soul Tattoo artist.

Equal parts traditional hand-poked tattoo apprenticeship and shamanic journey of remembrance and initiation into your soul medicine, Ashley’s apprenticeship container is a portal to uncover and unleash your innate healing magic using the unique modality of Soul Tattooing.